Tuesday, 28 July 2015

20 Rules of A Real Man

A couple days ago I witnessed the following when dining at a café: a young man started yelling at his girlfriend, then got up and left. The girl, scared and disappointed, sat at her table for maybe twenty more minutes crying. Servers came up to her and offered her water trying to calm her down but the tears kept flowing despite their best efforts. All kinds of situations happen and it’s not really my place to judge other people’s relationships but I know one thing for sure – a real man would never have behaved this way. “Your soul belongs to God and your heart to a woman,” as my grandmother told me when I was only 12 years old. You can look cool and follow the latest trends but even so, your self-respect largely depends on your actions.
20 Rules of A Real Man

1. Don’t promise anything if you’re not sure you can keep your promise

2. Carry yourself modestly, with dignity, don’t be conceited

3. It’s important to remember the line between dignified politeness and insincere flattery

4. Don’t write emails, posts, or texts on impulse

5. Don’t pour your heart out to just anybody. Remember the saying: “my tongue is my enemy”!

6. Don’t be overzealous in your use of alcohol – you won’t prove anything to anyone, only compromise your health.

7. Don’t be too hasty trusting somebody you’ve just met.

8. Avoid lending money to friends. Money always spoils relationships.

9. Don’t tolerate rude or mocking jibes directed towards you. Take the high road. Walk away and you’ll always win.

10. If you can’t say anything good about a person, then also abstain from saying anything bad, even if you’re tempted.

11. Don’t dismiss advice that’s offered to you. It’s your decision to take it or leave it, but remember that good advice is hard to come by.

12. The strength of a real man is revealed in his unshakeable calmness, and not his passionate impulses.

13. Defend the reputation of a woman who trusts you, no matter who she is. Your heart belongs to her.

14. There are times in life when it’s necessary to quiet one’s heart in favor of one’s mind.

15. A secret divulged by you to at least one person ceases to be a secret.

16. In a debate, your words must be soft but your arguments hard. The goal is to persuade your adversary, not antagonize him.

17. The realization that you are wrong is one of the best lessons there is. It’s a great tool for self-improvement. The only way to never make a mistake is to never do anything.

18. When two people argue, they’re both at fault.

19. Nothing is worse than indecisiveness. It’s better to make a poor decision than to hesitate and doubt. Opportunities that slip away almost never come again.

20. He, who has no fear is more powerful than he, whom everyone fears.

Wishing you all the best,

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